
Syllabus Module of Department of Political Science Hons.( Sem-IV)

Course Title (Core Course): Western Political Thought--- Modern
Course Code: AHPLS-401/C-8
                                             Contact Hours/week: 6

 Prof. Santiram Mondal:-

 Unit- I: Renaissance
 a. Machiavelli: Separation of Politics and Ethics, Human Nature.

 Unit- II: Social Contractualists
 a. Thomas Hobbes: State of Nature, Social Contract, Nature and Attributes of   Sovereignty.
 b. John Locke: State of Nature, Social Contract, Natural Rights, Nature and   Functions of   State.
 c. Jean-Jacques Rousseau: State of Nature, Social Contract and General Will.

 Unit- III: Utilitarians
 a. Jeremy Bentham: Utilitarian Principles.
 b. John Stuart Mill: Revision of Utilitarianism, On Liberty and Representative Government.

 Unit- IV: Idealists and Socialists
 a. Hegel: Dialectics and State, Idea of Freedom.
 b. Karl Marx: State.
 c. V. I. Lenin: Imperialism.

Course Title (Core Course): Indian Political Tradition -II
Course Code: AHPLS- 402/C-9
                                            Contact Hours/week: 6

 Dr. Priyanka Banerjee:-

 Unit- I: Understanding Diverse Trains of Nationalist Thought
 a. Gandhi: State, Trusteeship and Satyagraha.
 b. M. N. Roy: Transition from Marxism to New-Humanism.
 c. B. R. Ambedkar: Views on Caste and Untouchability.
 d. J. L. Nehru: Socialism.
 e. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan: Views on Modernism.


Sri Munnalal Tikait:-

 Unit- II: Currents of Nationalist Movements

 a. Major Trends:
 I. Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement.
 II. Movements led by Indian National Congress: Non-Cooperation, Civil-   Disobedience, Quit-India Movement.
 III. Alternatives to Congress Politics: (a) Revolutionary Nationalism and (b) the   Forward Bloc.


Course Title (Core Course): Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics
Course Code: AHPLS- 403/C-10
                                         Contact Hours/week: 6


 Sri Amit Pal:-

 Unit- I: Understanding Comparative Politics
 a. Transition from Comparative Government to Comparative Politics; Nature   and Scope.
 b. Approaches: Institutional and Neo-institutional.

 Unit- II: Major Governing Principles
 a. Constitutionalism, Conventions, Parliamentary Sovereignty, Separation of   Powers, Judicial Review, Referendum and Initiative.



 Sri Munnalal Tikait:-

 Unit- III: Comparative Studies of Government [United Kingdom (U.K),   United States of America (U.S.A) and France]
 a. Legislature, Executive and Judiciary: UK, USA and France.
 b. Parliamentary and Presidential systems: UK and USA.

 Unit- IV: Party System
 a.Party System in UK and USA.




Course Title (Skill Enhancement Course): Democratic Awareness with Legal LiteracyCourse Code: AHPLS-405/SEC-2
                                                   Contact Hours/week: 2

Dr. Priyanka Banerjee:-

 Unit I:

 Outline of the Legal system in India.
 System of courts/tribunals and their jurisdiction in India--- criminal and civil   courts, writ
 jurisdiction, specialized courts such as juvenile courts, Mahila Courts and   tribunals.
 Role of the police and magistracy in criminal law administration.
 Alternate dispute mechanisms such as Lok Adalats, non‐formal mechanisms.


 Prof. Santiram Mondal:-

 Unit II:
 Brief understanding of the laws applicable in India.
 Constitution: fundamental rights, fundamental duties, other constitutional rights   and their manner of enforcement, with emphasis on public interest litigation.


Sri Amit Pal:-

 Laws relating to criminal jurisdiction: provision relating to filing an FIR, arrest,   bail search and some understanding of the questions of evidence and procedure   in Cr. P.C. and related laws, offences against women, juvenile justice, prevention   of atrocities on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.

 Concepts of Principles of Natural Justice, Fair comment under Contempt laws.
 Laws relatingto consumer rights.
 Laws relating to cybercrimes.
 Anti‐terrorist laws: implications for security and human rights.


Sri Munnalal Tikait:-

 Unit III:
 Access to courts and enforcement of rights:
 Legal Services Authorities Act and right to legal aid.

 Practical application:
 What to do if you are arrested; if you are a consumer with a grievance; if you are a   victim of sexual harassment; domestic violence; filing a public interest litigation.   How can you challenge administrative orders that violate rights, judicial and   administrative remedies.
 Using a hypothetical case of (for example) child abuse or sexual harassment or   any other violation of a right, preparation of an FIR or writing a complaint addressed to the  appropriate Authority.